広告 Speak



  • ホテルチェックイン後のトラブル対応の英会話について知りたい
  • 添乗員として英語を使うシーンを知りたい







  • 経歴:新卒で旅行社に入社し19年8ヶ月、営業×手配×添乗
  • 資格:総合旅行業務取扱管理者、総合旅程管理主任者、英検2級、TOEIC540点
  • 添乗:国内・海外計123本(一般団体、教育旅行、視察旅行)







  • T:Tour Conductor
  • R:Receptionist
  • P:Porter
  • B:Bell captain
  • F:Front desk clerk
  • H:Housekeeper


T:Sorry sir, 2 rooms you just gave us have no baths. Don't you have any other rooms with baths?
R:Verry sorry, madam. We are fully booked tonight.
T:The copy of our tour condition sheet I have says 'All the rooms with baths', like this. The room with bath is something important for a Japanese guest. Would it be possible for you to give 2 rooms with baths?
R:OK. I'll see what I can do for you.

  • fully booked:満室。There is no room vacancy at the hotelともいえます
  • copy of our tour condition sheet:ホテルの等級、バス、食事などの旅行条件を書いたものの写し。伝家の宝刀はめったに抜くものではありませんが、お客さまの利益を守る場合はやむをえません
  • Would it be possible for you to〜:そこをなんとかして〜していただけませんか?人に丁寧に用事を頼む言い方
  • I'll see what I can do=何か、できることがあるかみてみましょう。できるだけのことはやってみましょうの意味




T:Porter, please. One of my group's baggage hasn't been delivered yet.
P:That's funny. We've already brought up all the baggage. I think it must be in someone else's room.
T:Could you check all the other rooms, please?
P:All right, madam.

  • baggage hasn't been delivered yet:荷物がまだ運搬されていない(届いていない)。この場合は、baggage isn't up yetともいえます
  • it must be in someone else's room:他の誰かの部屋にあるにちがいない




T:This is the ABC Tours tour conductor. My bags still haven't arrived.Could you please look into it?
B:One moment please.' Your room number, please?
T:Room 1124.
B:I’ll check on it and call you right back.
T:Thank you.

B:We found your luggage. We tried delivering it once before, but no one answered the door, so the bellboy brought it back down. I'll have your bag brought up right away.
T:Thank you. I'll be in my room for another 30 minutes or so.

  • look into:〜を調べる
  • check on:〜を調べる
  • or so:〜くらい(数量表現のあとで)

T: ABCツアーズのツアーコンダクターです。私の荷物がまだ届いていないのですが、調べていただけますか?
B: 少々お待ちください。お部屋の番号を教えてください。
T: 1124号室です。
B: 調べて折り返しお電話いたします。
T: ありがとうございます。

B: お荷物が見つかりました。一度お届けしようとしましたが、どなたもいらっしゃらなかったのでベルボーイが戻してしまいました。すぐにお部屋にお持ちいたします。
T: ありがとうございます。あと30分ほど部屋にいます。


1. One moment please.(少々お待ちください)
→ Could you please hold for a moment?
→ Please wait a moment.

2.Your room number, please.(部屋は何番ですか)

→ What is your room number?
→ What room are you in?

3.We tried delivering it once before, but no one answered the door.(先ほどお届けしたのですが、誰もいらっしゃらなかったのです)
→ We brought it up earlier, but you must have been out.

→ No one seemed to be in when we tried to deliver it before.

4.I'll be in my room for another 30 minutes or so.(あと30分くらいは部屋にいます)
→ I should be here for another half hour or so.

→ I'll make sure I'm here for the next 30 minutes.



T:Excuse me, we're having trouble opening a door.
F:Your room number, please.
T:Seven-one-three, the guest is waiting outside the elevator on the seventh floor. Could you have someone go up and help her with the door?'
F:Certainly. Someone will be up right away.
T:I will be waiting on the seventh floor, too. Please come as soon as possible.

(On the seventh floor)
F:Sorry to have kept you waiting? (Tries to turn the doorknob) Ah, it really seems to be stuck. Someone is going to have to come and fix this.I'm very sorry, but could we change this guest's room?
T:Are there any vacant rooms left?
F:Our standard rooms are all full, but we can put this member of your group in one of our deluxe rooms.
T:Oh, that would be nice. Thank you.

  • complaint:苦情
  • be stuck:動かない
  • fix:~を修理する
  • have trouble:なかなか~できない
  • help~with:(人の仕事を)手伝う ※help+人+withで
  • vacant:空いている




1. Could you have someone go up and help her with the door?
→ Could somebody please go up to look at
the door?
→ Would you send someone up to open the
door for her?

2. Sorry to have kept you waiting.(おまたせしてすみません)
→ Sorry to have taken so long.
I'm sorry that you had to wait.

3. Someone is going to have to come and fix this.(これは修理が必要ですね)
→ We will have to repair this.
→ This needs repairing.


Are there any vacant rooms left?(空いている部屋はありますか)

there is(are)A(主語)+B(補語):AがBである


T:One of the guests in my group is complaining that the water in her bathroom is only lukewarm.' Could you look intolit for me?
F:I’m terribly sorry. The boiler in the new wing broke down about two hours ago. They're fixing it now.
T:Uh oh, that is a problem.? When do you think it will be repaired?
F:They estimate it will be fixed by around 8:00, meaning the guests will have totake their showers after dinner.
T:I see. All right, I'll tell everyone. Please fix it as fast as you can.

  • break down:故障する
  • estimate:~の見込みである、~だろうと思う
  • lukewarm:なまぬるい
  • terribly:ひどく、とても

T: 私のグループのお客様の一人が、バスルームのお湯がぬるいと不満を言っています。調べていただけますか?
F: 大変申し訳ありません。新館のボイラーが約2時間前に故障してしまいました。現在修理中です。
T: それは困りましたね。修理はいつ頃終わる見込みですか?
F: 修理は8時頃までには終わる見込みですので、お客様には夕食後にシャワーを浴びていただくことになります。
T: わかりました。皆に伝えます。できるだけ早く修理をお願いします。


1. One of the guests in my group is complaining that the water in her bathroom is only lukewarm.(お客様がバスルームのお湯がぬるいと言っています)

→ One person in my group is complaining about her bathroom. She says there is no hot water.
→ There seems to be a problem with the hot water in one of the rooms.

2. That is a problem.(困りましたね)
→ I'm sorry to hear that.
→ That's bad news.

3. When do you think it will be repaired?(いつごろ直りますか)
→ How long will it take to fix?
→ What time do you expect it to be fixed?


T:Miss Yamada in Room 1257 wants take a bath, but the bath plug doesn't work well. And also the toilet doesn't flush properly.
R:Oh! I'll send a mechanic right away.

  • the plug doesn't work well:バスの栓がよく閉まらない。something is wrong with〜も一緒に覚えましょう。The key doesn't work well.などと用います
  • the toilet doesn't flush properly:トイレがよく流れない。この場合、properlyは、きちんと、ちゃんとの意味。
    The faucet is dropping.:水道の蛇口から水がポタポタたれています
  • mechanic:修理工。maintenance  manのこと
  • right away:すぐに。at onceとかstraight awayも同じ意味


  • 英語圏:H(HOT)がお湯、C(COLD)が水
  • フランス語圏:C(CHAUD)がお湯、F(FROID)が水


T:The bedside lamp in 301 doesn't seem to work.
H:We'll send someone right up.



→ We can't switch on the bedside lamp in room 301.
→ There's something wrong with the bedside lamp in room 301.


T:This is the tour conductor for ABC Tours. We're having a problem with the drain in room 643.
H:Oh really? I'm very sorry, but our repairman has left for the day, so we won't be able to fix it until tomorrow?
T:I wonder if you could send someone to her room anyway, just to have a look.
H:Sure. someone will be up straight away.
T:Thank you. I'll also go to check it out.

  • drain:排水
  • repairman:排水修理工
  • be clogged:(排水溝などが)詰まった
  • have a look (at):(〜を)見る
  • check it out:調べる


1. We're having a problem with the drain in room 643.(643号室の排水が悪いのですが)
→ The drain in room 643 doesn't seem to be working properly.
→ There's a drain problem in room 643.

2. We won't be able to fix it until tomorrow.(修理は明日までできません)
→ We won't be able to do anything about it this evening.
→ Unfortunately, there's not much we can do until tomorrow.


1. We won't be able to fix it until tomorrow. = will not be able to

2. Our repairman has left for the day.


T:One of my group members left his room key in the room. Could you help him open the door with the master key?

  • left his room key in the room:部屋に鍵を置き忘れる。ピッタリの表現として、He has locked himselfがあります
  • master key:親鍵。この親鍵はreceptionの許可がないと部屋を開けられません




T:How can I make a room-to-room call?
R:First, dial 7, then the room number, please.

  • dial 7:7を回す。dialは動詞として使います


How can I〜=どうやって〜?です。


T:I'd like to deposit some valuables.
R:Certainly, Would you fill out this form.

  • deposit some valuables =貴重品を預ける。普通、貸金庫(safety box)に入れて頂けますが、貴重品袋に入れる場合もあります




T:How can I adjust the air conditioning?


How can I〜=どうやって〜?です。


T:Although Room 345 should be a triple room, an extra bed isn't yet prepared.




T:A member of my group in room 224 called and said that there is loud noise coming from the room next door.
H:We'll check it out and take care of it right away.



 → We'll look into it immediately.
 → We'll get to it at once.


  • investigate
  • check into
  • check on
  • look into


  • check with
  • verify


T:We just checked in to room 143, but it appears that someone is already in the room.
F:Oh, I'm very sorry. We'll give you another room right away. We apologize for the inconvenience, but could you ask your guest to come down? We will Inform the bell captain of the room change.

  • appears:〜のようだ
  • inform〜of:知らせる(inform 人 of で)※人に〜を知らせる

T: 143号室にチェックインしたのですが、すでに誰かがその部屋にいるようです。
F: ああ、大変申し訳ございません。すぐに別の部屋をご用意いたします。お手数ですが、お客様に一度フロントまでお越しいただけますか?ベルキャプテンに部屋の変更を伝えておきます。


1. We apologize for the inconvenience, but could you ask your guest to come down?(恐縮ですが、そのお客様にこちらへ来ていただけるようお願いできますか)
→ Sorry to have to ask you this, but would you be kind enough to bring the guest here?
→ We're sorry to put you to so much trouble, but would you ask the guest to come down?
We're very sorry, but could you please ask the guest to come down to the front desk?


T:Room 250 hasn't been cleaned yet.
H:Yes, the "Do not disturb" sign was out, so we didn't clean it.
T:I think they probably didn't understand the sign. Could you please clean the room as soon as possible.
H:Of course.

  • " Do not disturb"  sign:ホテルのドアノブにかける「邪魔しないでください」というサイン
  • as soon as possible:なるべく早く

T: 250号室がまだ清掃されていません。
H: はい、「起こさないでください」のサインが出ていたので、清掃しませんでした。
T: 多分サインの意味を理解していなかったのだと思います。できるだけ早く清掃していただけますか?
H: もちろんです。


1. Room 250 hasn't been cleaned yet.(250号室の掃除が終わってないのですが)
→ Room 250 is still waiting to be cleaned.
→ No one has come to clean room 250.




  • adapter:アダプター
  • aerogram:航空書簡
  • bath mat:バスマット
  • bath plug:浴槽の栓
  • bottle opener:栓抜き
  • cleaning instructions:洗濯表示
  • extra blanket:予備の毛布
  • hotel manual:ホテルの施設案内
  • laundry bag:洗濯物を入れる袋
  • mattress:マットレス
  • minibar:ミニバー(ホテルの部屋に備え付けてある飲み物やスナックが入った冷蔵庫)
  • outlet:コンセント、(英)ではpower point
  • pillow:枕
  • plumbing:配管
  • shower head:シャワーの噴水口
  • spare towel:替えのタオル
  • transformer:変圧器
  • trouser press: ズボンプレス
  • water glass:水差し
  • wine opener:ワインオープナー


1.How do I get the window to open?(どうやったら窓を開けられますか)
→ It won't open. The window has been sealed so that the air-conditioning can function properly.(エアコンがきくように窓は締め切ってあります)

2.The desk light went dead. Could somebody come up and replace the bulb?(机の電気がつきません。誰か来て電球を取り替えてもらえませんか)
→ Certainly, someone will be there within the next five minutes.(わかりました、5分以内にそちらに行かせます)

3.The remote control for the television doesn't seem to be working.(テレビのリモコンが動かないようなのですが)
→ The batteries may be dead.I'll send housekeeping along immediately.(電池が切れているのでしょう。ただいま客室係を行かせます)

4.The room is far too hot. The airconditioning may not be working.(部屋が暑すぎます。エアコンがきいていないようです)
→ We’ll have someone look at the setting for you.(エアコンの調節に伺います)

5.Where is the room service menu kept?(ルームサービスのメニューはどこにありますか)
→ Please look in the left-hand drawer of the desk for a blue folder. The room service menu should be inside.(机の左側の引き出しの中に青いフォルダニがあるので見てください。メニューはその中にあるはずです)

6.The bag I was storing my passport and my ticket in is missing.(パスポートと航空券を入れたバッグがなくなりました)
→ I’ll have someone check with the cleaning staff immediately. In the meantime, would you please check through your room once more?(すぐに清掃係に確認してみます。その間にもう一度部屋の中を探してもらえますか)

7. The cleaning staff apparently walked into a room this morning despite the "Do not disturb" sign on the door.(“Do not disturb”のサインをドアに出しておいたのに、今朝掃除の人が部屋に入ってきたようです)
→ That's a serious breach of hotel policy. Il find out what happened and get back to you as soon as possible.(それは当ホテルの方針に反する重大なことですね。なるべく早く何があったのか突き止めてご連絡します)

8.The guests in the next room have been shouting at each other for the last half hour.(となりの部屋の客が30分も大声でどなり合っています)
→ That's room 404, isn't it? I'll ask the manager to take care of the situation.(それは404号室ですね。マネージャーにその場を収めるように言います)

9.Could you have somebody send up some more hotel stationery? I need another envelope.(ホテルのレターセットを届けてほしいのですが。封筒がもう一枚欲しいので)
→ No problem at all.(承知しました)

10. Could I check on the procedure for arranging a wake-up call?(モーニングコールの使い方を確認したいのですが)
→ Certainly.(はいどうぞ)

11. I've forgotten the combination I keyed into my room safe.(部屋の金庫に鍵をかけたのですが暗証番号を忘れました)
→ I will send someone to open it for you.(そちらに伺って開けさせますので)

12. The mini-bar in my room hasn't been restocked.(ミニバーがぜんぶ揃っていません)
→ We're sorry for the oversight. The maid will see to that immediately.(気づかずに申し訳ありません。すぐにメイドに準備させます)






はとバスの英語ツアー、72歳の「使える! 通じる! おやじギャグ英語術」がおもしろいです。内容を抽象化すれば「初対面の人と打ち解ける方法」です。英語だけでなく仕事でも使えます。外国人の質問に「Top Seacret」で返すさまは最高です。



P.S. 粘り強く対応です。

