広告 Think



  • 添乗員として英語を使うシーンを知りたい
  • 機内アナウンスメントの英語は何を喋っているのだろう





  • 経歴:新卒で旅行社に入社し19年8ヶ月、営業×手配×添乗
  • 保有資格:総合旅行業務取扱管理者、総合旅程管理主任者、英検2級、TOEIC540点
  • 添乗経験:国内・海外計100本で、一般団体・教育旅行・視察旅行




機内アナウンスメント(Inflight Announcement)は大事です。

» 客室乗務員との英会話シーン【飲み物や食事の注文/質問やリクエスト】


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome aboard Japan Air Lines, my name is Taro Yamada and I'm the Chief purser on your flight today. On behalf of Captain Tanaka and his crew.
I welcome you on board Japan Airlines flight JA421 bound for London via Anchorage.
Our flight time to Anchorage is estimated at 6 hours and 35 minutes.

① chief purser=全客室乗務員の責任者
② on behalf of=〜の代わりに、〜の代表として
③ crew=乗務員。客室乗務員はflight(cabin)attendant, cabin(flight service)crewといいます。
④ 5行目は飛行予定時間を言っています。他の表現として、The flight time to Anchorage will be about 6 hours and 35 minutes.





Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, we will now demonstrate the safety equipment.
It is not likely that you'll have to use a life preserver or an oxygen mask during flight.
However, in case they should become necessary, we'd like to demonstrate how to use them.

① safety equipment=安全設備。emergency evacuation system 緊急脱出装置やlife raft 救命筏などのこと。
② It is not likely that〜=〜ありそうなこととは思えない
③ life preserver=救命胴着。life vestともいいます。
④ oxygen mask=酸素マスク。室内の圧力が0.7気圧以下に下がると自動的に乗客の前にたれ下がる仕組みになっています。
⑤ in case〜=〜の場合の用心のため



In the seat pocket in front of you, you'll find the safety leaflet.
Please take it out and follow along as we cover some very important points.
Under your seat there is a life vest like this one for each of you.
This is an oxygen mask.
There are masks like this one in the overhead compartment.

① safety leaflet=安全のしおり
② follow along=説明のあとから目で追って確認する
③ overhead compartment=頭上にある酸素マスクが入っている仕切り棚



This compartment will open automatically when necessary.
When the door opens, take the nearest one and pull it toward you firmly to start the oxygen flowing.
Place the mask over your nose and mouth as the flight attendants are you demonstrating.

① automatically=自動的に
② the nearest one=最も近くにある酸素マスク
③ place the mask over〜=マスクを〜につける



There are Emergency exits on each side of the aircraft. They are clearly marked with signs.
Escape routes to the exits are shown on the safety leaflets.
To open the Emergency exit, route the handle counter-clockwise and push the exit outwards.
The escape slide comes out automatically.

① emergency exits=非常口
② escape route=非常口への非難通路
③ route the handle counter-clockwise=ハンドルを時計の針と逆方向へ回す
④ escape slide=緊急脱出用スライド。90秒以内の全員脱出を可能にするため、扉を開くと同時に高圧ガスにより約10秒で膨張し、滑り台化します。




Please now make certain that your seat belt is securely fastened, return your seats to an upright position and kindly refrain from smoking during take-off and landing.
Please place your hand baggage under the seat in front of you or in the overhead locker.
Hand baggage must not obstruct the aisles or emergency exits.

① make certain=確かめる。make sure, ensureともいいます。
② return your seats to an upright position=座席をまっすぐにもとに戻すこと。
他にYour setbacks are upright and locked position. 背もたれをまっすぐにロックされる位置に戻す。
Your setbacks are upright with the armrest down. 背もたれをまっすぐにして、肘かけを下ろす…の表現もあります。
③ refrain from〜ing=〜は遠慮してください
④ obstruct=通路などに障害物を置く。
⑤ aisles[ail]=発音に注意。乗り物の通路。aisle seat 通路側の席。<参考>Window seat 窓側の席




Please now relax and enjoy your flight.
If there is anything you need, please let us know and we will be happy to help.
As we will soon be serving drinks, it would be a help to us if you stayed in your seats.
Our aircraft is divided into smoking and no smoking sections.
No smoking sections are located from the seatrows 3 through 5 in the First class, from rows 10 to 18 in the Executive class and from 48 to 54 in the Economy class.
Please smoke only in these areas.

① If there is anything you need=何かご用がありましたら
② divided into〜=〜に分けられている
③ Executive class=FとYとの中間クラス。エアラインにより名称はさまざまです。



For your entertainment on this flight, we have some movies and video programs.
So that you can enjoy them we are now offering headphones with the compliment of Japan Air Lines.
We invite you to read our inflight magazine, Wing, which contains route maps and a price list for duty-free goods and gifts items.

① with the compliment of〜=敬意を表すの意味で、〜からの厚意により無料で。<参考>complimentary 無料の
② invite you to 〜=人に〜するように勧める
③ Wing=日本航空の機内誌。オランダ航空の『Windmill』、英国航空の『Highlife』、ユナイテッド航空の『Friendly Sky』などが知られています。
④ duty-free goods=機内で免税で売られている酒、タバコ、香水など。機内でしか手に入らない「エアライン・オリジナル・グッズ」を搭載しているエアラインもあります。



This is your Captain Yamada speaking.
We are now flying at an altitude of 26,000 feet, 8,000 meters.
We are soon coming in sight of Mt.McKinley.

① altitude of 26,000 feet=高度26,000フィート(8,000メートル)
② come in sight of=〜が見えるところにくる




ladies and gentlemen, We will soon be landing at London Heathrow Airport.
you are kindly requested togather all your personal effects.
If you would like to set your watches, the local time in London is now 8:30.
The weather is clear and temperature here is 20 degrees Centigrade and 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

① kindly requested togather〜=〜を集めるようお願いします
② personal effects=身の回り品
③ set your watches=時計を合わせる
④ Fahrenheit=華氏。ドイツの物理学者の名から。℉と℃とはF=9/5C+32、あるいはC=5/9(Fー32)



For your own safety and for the safety of those around you, Please remain seated until the aircraft has come to a complete stop.
Thank you very much for choosing Japan Air Lines.
We have all enjoyed looking after you and hope that we will have another opportunity to serve you again in the near future.

① remain seated=席にとどまる、席を立たない。stay in your seat ともいいます。
② come to a complete stop=完全に停止する。completely stop ともいいます。
③ have all enjoyed looking after=〜を楽しく世話する
④ opportunity=機会、好機





This is your Captain Yamada speaking.
Please listen carefully.
We have a little trouble with our jet engines and we are having an emergency landing in a few minutes.
Please be sure that there is nothing to worry about.
Please take an emergency position; remove high-heeled shoes, eyeglasses and sharp objects from your pockets.
Please take a protective position and follow the instructions of our cabin attendants.

① emergency landing=緊急着陸、不時着陸
② nothing to worry about=何も心配いらない
③ take an emergency position=緊急時の姿勢をとる、不時着のための姿勢をとる
④ please take a protective position=防御的な姿勢をとる








P.S. シーンごとの英語を理解しよう。

